From the menu on the left, please select “Log in” to log in.
If you are a first-time user, please select "Register" to register an account first. If you have a Member ID, please log
in directly. (Note: Your account is permanently valid.)
For first-time users: Click “Register” and enter the information as follows: Member ID (your e-mail address), Name (your
English name), and Password (a password of your choice).
Then, select
The following message will appear. This indicates a successful registration.
After successfully registering, log in with your e-mail and password. After entering your login details, the following
message will appear.
Please select "Unlock book".
Please enter the serial number and password in the student’s book for the app. (Note: Capital letters are not required.)
Then, select “OK”.
If the serial number and password are correct, the message “Unlock is successful” will appear.
(Note: Once a book is unlocked, it will be permanently valid. This means you can log in and take advantage of the
learning materials repeatedly.)